Friday, June 19, 2020

This is Hikari's Story

In November 2019, I guess I found a new home. This family smells like cats fur. Why don't I just try my luck at the front door.

Ah it's already late. They've closed all doors. Never mind I'll try again tomorrow morning when the sun rises again and they'll open the front door to let the fresh air and the sunlight in. I'll spend my night under the gazebo gazing at their window until I sleep.


The sun rises again yeah... Here I go at the front door. They will open the door soon. One... two... three... four... five... kriok... "Meow (Hello)! Aah... This one must be the house cheerleader". He looks plump and full with the smell of cats' fur.


I am finally in. A young lady took me into the living room. An elderly woman pat me on my head. It feels good. Another younger lady tried to lift me from the floor but it must be my smelly belly that made her put me back on the floor. Uuh, that leather-covered chair feels comfy. And the young lady's fingers were so soft on my head and back too. Geez, I'm in heaven already. That boy gazed at me with his small eyes. He neither liked me nor seemed to hate me. He just brushed my head once and swiftly went away.


They bathed me. I must've been smelly like rats! Good God the shampoo smells like the flowers in front of the female hostel gate. But this one smells better.


Well, now I think they already took me as their new member in the house. I no longer have to sleep at the gazebo in cool windy nights. I have the warm comfy selections of sofa, bed or the leather chairs. I'll just have to choose from. They didn't chase me out since the first day they took me in. Thank God they even served me food in a nice new bowl. It's always full. Huargh... I'm sleepy now. Where's the comfy bed? Hi there, may I join a snuggle? hhhhzzzzz...zzzz...zzzz

Mid-December. It's a rainy day. But it's been raining in these few days. Luckily it's not snowy. Wait, where are they going? Why they're so busy going up and down the stairs with bags and big bags. This is not good.


It's been two days. This house is empty without them. Lonely air. Where's the cheerleader and the ladies and the boy? I'll be waiting here until they come back.


Kriok... o yeah it must be them! I'm coming to the front door. Wait... who is this guy?? 
Oh yes now I remember. He's the guy next door. What's he doing here? Hey hey hey... what are you doing? Don't touch the... oh hey he's filling my food bowl! How nice! Nyummy nyum nyum... this flavor's tastier. Where'd you get it nice guy? Now you smile at me though you didn't answer my question. Never mind. Hey wait where're you going now? I haven't finished eating. O he closed the door again. Oh it's okay... I have food here and I'll be waiting for the family until they return.


I guess it must be the end of December or early January. After a long wait suddenly the front door swung open. "Hello Kari", she said. Yes it's the young lady and the cheerleader of the family. I'm happy to see them again. Wait, my name is Kari? Well, that sounds not bad. I like it. She lifts me from the floor. It feels good. But where are the other members? We spend time together in the living room for a while before they go upstairs. Hey wait for me!


It's been months. I'm gaining weight. I must be happy in this house. Though the young lady only be seen in the house every two weeks, the cheerleader is always here with me. He must've grown fond of me day after day because I'm the only living creature in the house whom he can talk to when he is alone. The other family members have never come back. I wonder where are they now.


It's a hot summer night. I slept on the cool parquet floor in front of the cheerleader's bedroom door. Suddenly I heard the voice of the cheerleader like he's wailing in pain. I quickly burst into the room and jumped onto the bed at the end of his feet. My movement woke him up and he stopped wailing instantly and quickly sat down looking at me. His breathing was fast. "Yo! You must've had a nightmare bro", I said. He looked at me looking at him as if he'd listened to what I said.  "Thank you Kari," he finally said. He pulled me next to him and we eventually dozed off until the sun rises again. It's indeed a moment of the calm and sound sleep I've ever had in my life.


In the end of March the house is empty again. The cheerleader left again after he filled up my food bowl and my drinking bottle full. He said, "Bye for a while Kari. I'll see you again". Well, that's his normal promise to me and he always kept it. Every time I missed him after he's gone, he'd always come back as he promised. One week... two weeks... three weeks... why is he not here again?


I gotta go out. It's been too long to wait. This house is so lonely so empty. Kriok... oh it's you guy next door! Thank God you come to my rescue again just when I need it. Why are you holding the front door open now? Are you letting me go out of the door? Did you nod? It looks like yes from you. You're not angry are you? Oh yesss I'm out in the fresh air.  The sky is blue. The trees swaying gracefully. The birds are singing sweetly. But where's the cheerleader?


It's now May. I've been looking at the house window every night from the gazebo again. The house is dark from here. Not even a single light from the window. Where have they been? I've been missing them especially my best friend the cheerleader. The guy next door sometimes tries to bring me into his house but I prefer to wait here until the cheerleader and his family come back. I can wait and will wait till they come back.


It's almost dark. The sun's setting in. The wind blew softly in the dusk hour as if whispering a good news to my ears. Suddenly my nose caught a familiar smell. It's lingering in the air. The cheerleader! I smell the cheerleader! I ran quickly to the house. Yes that's him! And the ladies and the boy! O my God, I missed them so much. The young lady quickly ran to me while the cheerleader looked at me and smiled like he never before. My long waiting has finally come to the end. Thank you God for reuniting us again. Thank you for giving me another chance to be with this family again. It's good to be home again.


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